House Janse van Rensburg - Oubaai

House Janse van Rensburg is located in Oubaai Golf Estate on a relatively flat premises. The site is ideally orientated with north facing mountain views and road access on the southern side. The main entrance is on the south side of the building and provide views through the house and onto the mountains beyond. Access to the front door is through a lush internal courtyard that functions as a soft transitional space between the ‘hard’ outside and ‘soft’ interior.


The building envelope was broken up into separate basic architectural forms, to ensure a soft, recognizable and human scaled character for the dwelling. A depth of experience is provided by the architectural layering of contemporary elements, using contrasting and honest materials like timber, concrete, stone and slate tiles. A dash of playfulness is provided, by flirting with some navy architectural components, and raising of the hat to the close proximity of the ocean.


The narrow rectangular shape of the property was utilized to provide a sheltered interior courtyard against the prevalent windy conditions, and also serves as focal point for two bedrooms and the kitchen area.


“Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.”

- Frank Gehry -